development solutions
Finding the right developer shouldn't be about where your business is located. As a developer who has been working remotely since 2014, I've worked hard to prove strong relationships can be developed regardless of the distance. I've developed apps and solutions for creatives, podcasters, small businesses, agencies, and hospitals all over the United States.
Workflow Automation
Have you ever wanted to create contracts at the push of a button? Or kick off a series of tasks and assign them to other members of your team? Oftentimes, businesses rely on data entry and administrative personnel to manage these tasks. Hiring and training the right person can be a time-consuming and costly process, especially when you face turnover in today's market. With the right automation, you may discover that you no longer need to hire for certain positions.
Why Remote?
Web development can take many forms. From deploying template solutions to managing custom websites designed for you, let Code Blue handle the details allowing you to focus on growing your business.
Recent studies show mobile users are responsible for over 70% of digital traffic and 90% of their time is spent on mobile apps and social media. Not only do you need to attract customers, but you need to engage with them as well.
Integrate cutting-edge AI services into your website and unlock a world of possibilities. With AI tool implementation, your business can harness the power of intelligent automation to streamline processes, boost productivity, and optimize outcomes.
Airtable is an online platform that allows businesses of any size to get control of their data. The power of Airtable really lies in the vast amount of task automation that can be configured. Businesses that leverage this automation will save money and reduce the need for redundant FTE positions.
"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf" ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn
The waves of technology will never stop. Let Code Blue partner with you to find the best solution to meet your ever changing needs.
Contact Code Blue