AI Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook

First-time visitors to Hawaii are often encouraged to purchase the ‘Hawaii Revealed’ series. Each book in this series breaks down the best hikes, restaurants, beaches, and activities on each island. According to the authors, it took them two full years to become experts. In today’s fast-paced environment, you don’t have two years to become an expert on everything. Founders and …

Mastering Prompt Engineering

A few years ago I get a call from a friend one night telling me that Jaws was firing. For those that don’t know Jaws is a Big Wave surfing event held in Peah’i, Maui. It’s a spectacular even to watch on TV, but it’s unreal to watch in person. I and several of my friends took the morning off …

Don’t be a Ken, Be a Ken!

Story Time So about 10 years ago I started down the path of Website development. My family and I had just moved to Maui and had quickly discovered just how tough it is to make it there so I started pursuing contracts with local businesses. A new friend of mine and I, his name was also Ken, were discussing the …